When you are showered with attention, it can feel incredibly romantic and can blind you to hints of problems ahead. But what happens when attentiveness becomes domination? In some relationships, the desire to control leads to jealousy, threats, micromanaging--even physical violence. If you or someone you care about are trapped in a web of coercive control, this book provides answers, hope, and a way out. Lisa Aronson Fontes draws on both professional expertise and personal experience to help you:
*Recognize controlling behaviors of all kinds.
*Understand why this destructive pattern occurs.
*Determine whether you are in danger and if your partner can change.
*Protect yourself and your kids.
*Find the support and resources you need.
*Take action to improve or end your relationship.
*Regain your freedom and independence.
Una nueva mirada a la violencia doméstica y la dominación interpersonal.
Cuando alguien colma a su pareja con atención, puede sentirse como algo muy romántico y la emboba para que no se dé cuenta de los problemas que se avecinan. Pero, ¿qué pasa cuando esa atención se convierte en dominación? El deseo de controlar a la pareja puede llevar a los celos, la intimidación, el acecho y hasta la violencia física. Si usted o alguien que usted conoce está atrapado en la maraña del control coercitivo, en este libro encontrará esperanza y una manera de escaparse.
Packed with practical pointers and examples, this indispensable, straight-talking guide helps professionals conduct productive interviews while building strong working relationships with culturally and linguistically diverse clients. Chapters cover verbal and nonverbal ways to build rapport and convey respect; how to overcome language barriers, including effective use of interpreters; culturally competent interviews with children and adolescents; and key issues in working with immigrants and refugees. Strategies for avoiding common cross-cultural misunderstandings and producing fair, accurate reports are presented. Every chapter concludes with thought-provoking discussion questions and resources for further reading.
This expertly written book provides an accessible framework for culturally competent practice with children and families in child maltreatment cases. Numerous workable strategies and concrete examples are presented to help readers address cultural concerns at each stage of the assessment and intervention process. Professionals and students learn new ways of thinking about their own cultural viewpoints as they gain critical skills for maximizing the accuracy of assessments for physical and sexual abuse; overcoming language barriers in parent and child interviews; respecting families' values and beliefs while ensuring children's safety; creating a welcoming agency environment; and more.
The impact of culture on sexual abuse issues is only beginning to be understood. In minority populations, sexual abuse can be overlooked - or survivors can be inappropriately treated - because of cultural or linguistic misunderstandings, racism or homophobia. This volume contains culture-specific chapters that consider ways in which cultural norms can be used to protect children and promote healing from sexual abuse.
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